Top 10 Trendy Bathroom Ideas In 2024

Get ready to wave goodbye to boring bathrooms and say hello to your dream space! 2024 is the year to ditch the dull and embrace exciting colours, eye-catching patterns, and a touch of the past. Take inspiration from the rich greens of nature shows like Planet Earth or the beautiful geometric shapes in period dramas like Bridgerton – there's a style perfect for any bathroom, big or small. Whether you love the warm, natural feel of Mediterranean colours or the cool, mysterious vibe of a gothic library, we've got you covered.

But this year, bathrooms are more than just pretty. They're also clever and practical. Think smart storage for small spaces, fixtures that do more than one thing, and designs that fold away to make the most of your space. We'll even show you how the trendy Emily in Paris has changed the way we use colour in bathrooms.

So, if your bathroom needs a makeover that makes it a relaxing and stylish escape, get ready to be inspired by the top 10 trends taking over bathrooms in 2024. You might even feel like you've stepped into a fancy hotel in Sicily or a cute apartment in Paris!

1. Bold Geometric Tiles

Drawing inspiration from the resurgence of vintage aesthetics in popular period dramas like Bridgerton and The Crown, bold geometric tiles are making a statement in 2024 bathroom design. With so many options to choose from, this trend allows you to infuse your bathroom with personality and create a space that is uniquely yours.

Distinctive Features:

  • Exquisite Patterns: From the classic herringbone to modern hexagons, stripes, and chevrons, the design options are limitless. Mix and match shapes and sizes to craft a pattern that speaks to your individual style.
  • Eye-Catching Design: These striking patterns command attention and transform your bathroom into a visual masterpiece. Use them on floors, walls, or as a dramatic backdrop for your sink.
  • The Porcelain Advantage: Porcelain tiles are the ideal choice for bathrooms, celebrated for their water resistance and durability.
  • Bespoke Elegance: Geometric tiles offer endless customisation. Explore a variety of colours, finishes, and sizes to compose a design that is uniquely your own.

Whether you envision a statement wall or a floor that exudes timeless elegance, geometric tiles are a surefire way to elevate your bathroom's aesthetic. Their adaptability ensures that this trend is more than just a passing fancy, but a testament to the enduring power of exquisite design.

Lovely tiled bathroom with geometric patterns

2. American Classic

Channelling the opulence of historic manors, the American Classic bathroom style draws inspiration from the lavish estates often featured in popular period dramas. This trend reimagines the timeless sophistication and comfort of these heritage homes for the modern bathroom, creating a space that is both refined and inviting.

Hallmarks of the Style:

  • Bridging Past and Present: Effortlessly combine elements of classic design with contemporary accents to achieve a bathroom that feels both familiar and fresh.
  • Embrace Openness: Ideal for larger bathrooms, this style emphasises airiness and natural light, creating a sense of spaciousness and tranquillity.
  • A Palette of Tranquillity: Create a serene atmosphere with a soothing palette of soft, neutral hues such as whites, creams, beiges, and subtle shades of blue or pink.
  • Natural Opulence: Elevate your bathroom with the warmth and richness of natural materials like marble, granite, or wood for countertops, floors, and vanities.
  • Enduring Elegance: Opt for classic bath and sink fixtures in polished chrome or antique brass finishes for a touch of timeless sophistication.
  • Iconic Tiles: Incorporate classic American style tiles like subway or penny tiles in a clean, neutral hue for a seamless integration with the overall aesthetic.
  • Symmetry and Simplicity: Emphasise clean lines, symmetrical arrangements, and uncluttered surfaces to create a sense of harmony and order.
  • Ornate Detailing: Introduce decorative elements like framed mirrors, crown moulding, or wainscoting to add a touch of luxury and personality.

The American Classic style isn't merely a trend; it's a celebration of enduring design principles that continue to inspire. By integrating these elements into your bathroom, you can curate a space that is both visually stunning and eminently functional, a true oasis of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Wales bathroom tiled in Swansea, Wales by Daffodil Tiling

3. Vintage Mediterranean

Evoking the sun-kissed allure of coastal Italy and the historic grandeur of Sicilian villas, the Vintage Mediterranean bathroom style has captured the imagination, drawing inspiration from the captivating backdrop of The White Lotus Season 2. This trend invites us to embrace the warmth, tranquility, and artisanal heritage of the Mediterranean, where time-honoured craftsmanship seamlessly blends with luxurious indulgence.

Distinctive Features:

  • A Tribute to Handcrafted Artistry: Celebrate the exquisite beauty of hand-made tiles and fixtures, each one a testament to the skill and passion of artisans who work with natural materials.
  • A Textural Tapestry: Weave together the rustic charm of terracotta and the smooth elegance of plaster with the bold drama of marble tiles and the lustrous gleam of brass accents.
  • Warmth and Character: Infuse your bathroom with warmth and personality through rich, dark wood vanities and furniture, complemented by decorative ceramics that add a touch of whimsy and cultural heritage.
  • Marble's Timeless Allure: Elevate your space with the enduring luxury of marble countertops, transforming your daily routine into a moment of indulgence.
  • Earthy Tones and Natural Stone: Opt for square natural stone tiles in warm white or earthy hues, creating an inviting and calming atmosphere reminiscent of sun-drenched beaches and ancient architecture.
  • An Artist's Touch: Adorn your walls with the romance of the Mediterranean through fresco or Venetian plaster techniques, or choose wallpaper that captures their timeless beauty.

The Vintage Mediterranean style is a symphony of charm, character, and refined luxury. By incorporating these elements into your bathroom design, you can create a haven that transports you to sun-kissed shores and evokes the rich cultural tapestry of the Mediterranean region.

Wales bathroom tiled in brown earthy tones with copper tap fixture

4. Dark Academia

A Touch of Mystery: Imagine stepping into a bathroom that feels like a secret hideaway. That's the idea behind the Gothic bathroom style, inspired by the popular "dark academia" trend on TikTok. It's a little bit spooky, a little bit old-fashioned, and completely enchanting.

Key Features:

  • Smart and Stylish: Create a cool, mysterious vibe with dark colours, vintage pieces, and a touch of nostalgia.
  • The Bathtub as a Getaway: A freestanding bathtub with claw feet is the perfect centrepiece, making your bathroom feel like a special retreat.
  • Dark and Dramatic: Layer different dark colours like charcoal, deep blue, and forest green for a look that's full of depth and intrigue.
  • Decorative Touches: Add a touch of mystery with ornate floral patterns, antique mirrors, and framed pictures of plants.
  • Set the Mood: Use soft lighting to create shadows and a cosy, intimate atmosphere.
  • Natural Balance: Ground the space with natural stone tiles, adding warmth and texture to the darker colours.
  • Bring in Nature: Soften the dark tones with lots of plants and flowers, adding a bit of life and freshness to the room.
  • Classic Touches: Use brass fixtures and warm wood accents to go with traditional wallpaper for a timeless look.
  • Victorian Vibes: Choose tiles inspired by old Victorian designs and natural stone to really bring the gothic style to life.

The Gothic bathroom style is not just about looks; it's about creating a space where you can relax and let your imagination run wild. So, if you're looking for a bathroom that's both stylish and unique, give this trend a try!

Dak academia gothic bathroom inspired by Tiktok and Pinterest trends, completed by Daffodil Tiling in Swansea, South Wales

5. Green Sanctuary

Embracing Nature's Embrace: As the desire for bold colours grows stronger in 2024, green is emerging as the hue of choice for creating a serene and restorative bathroom space. This surge in popularity aligns with the growing interest in biophilic design – the practice of incorporating natural elements into our surroundings – and eco-conscious living, making the Green Sanctuary trend a natural fit for those seeking a harmonious and sustainable oasis.

Key Features:

  • A Kaleidoscope of Green: Explore a diverse range of green shades, from the delicate whisper of sage and the understated elegance of olive to the deep richness of forest and the vibrancy of emerald. Tailor your selection to create an atmosphere that either soothes or invigorates.
  • Biophilic Design Principles: Infuse your bathroom with the rejuvenating power of nature through the addition of living plants, the warmth of wood accents, and the raw beauty of stone textures.
  • Sustainability as a Statement: Choose eco-friendly materials and finishes, such as recycled glass tiles or bamboo accents, to create a bathroom that's as kind to the planet as it is to your senses.
  • Walls that Breathe: Transform your walls into a living work of art with a calming shade of green paint or eye-catching green tiles that boast unique patterns or textures.
  • Tile as Art: Elevate your bathroom's aesthetic with luxurious green tiles in an array of shades and finishes. Whether matte, gloss, or textured, the choice is yours to create a look that's uniquely yours.
  • Living Elements: Introduce real plants into your bathroom to purify the air, enhance the atmosphere, and foster a sense of well-being. Opt for varieties that thrive in humid environments, such as graceful ferns, exotic orchids, or resilient snake plants.
  • Green Accents Abound: Introduce pops of green through towels, bath mats, soap dispensers, and other accessories for an easy and affordable way to refresh your bathroom's look.
  • Natural Illumination: Enhance the calming effect of green with warm, natural lighting. Consider installing dimmer switches to create a relaxing and adjustable atmosphere.

The Green Sanctuary trend transcends mere colour choice; it's an invitation to embrace the restorative power of nature and create a haven of peace and tranquillity where you can escape the stresses of daily life and reconnect with the natural world.

A lush green bathroom in Swansea, South Wales

6. Earthy Tones

Harnessing the Healing Power of Earth: The 2024 bathroom scene is embracing a return to nature, with a marked surge in interest for grounding earthy tones. Inspired by the rich hues of soil, clay, and sand, this trend evokes a warm and inviting ambiance that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation. Aligning with the growing focus on biophilic design and well-being, earthy tones offer a soothing escape from the stresses of daily life.

Key Features:

  • A Palette of Nature's Hues: Immerse yourself in a calming colour scheme that mirrors the natural world, featuring soft beiges, warm browns, rustic terracotta, sun-kissed ochre, and muted greens.
  • Organic Materials: Incorporate natural elements like wood, stone, and ceramics to create a warm and inviting space. Consider luxurious materials like travertine, limestone, or terrazzo tiles for a touch of natural elegance.
  • A Symphony of Textures: Layer various textures like smooth wood grain, woven baskets, and rough stone to create visual interest and a tactile experience that engages all the senses.
  • Metallic Warmth: Introduce warm metallic accents like gleaming brass, shimmering copper, or rich bronze to complement the earthy tones and add a touch of sophisticated warmth.
  • Thriving Greenery: Introduce plants that flourish in humid environments, such as graceful ferns, exotic orchids, or resilient snake plants, to further enhance the connection to nature and bring life to the space.
  • Gentle Illumination: Opt for warm, diffused lighting to create a cosy and inviting atmosphere. Consider dimmer switches to effortlessly adjust the mood for relaxation and rejuvenation.
  • Spa-Like Serenity: Elevate the spa-like experience with plush towels, soothing scented candles, and natural bath products that indulge the senses and promote well-being.

The enduring allure of earthy tones lies in their ability to create a bathroom that is both stylish and serene. By embracing this trend, you can transform your bathroom into a personal retreat, a haven where you can unwind and reconnect with yourself.

A lovely bathroom tiled in soft earthy tones

7. Layered Colours

A Kaleidoscope of Expression: In 2024, bathroom design is embracing a vibrant and eclectic approach with the layered colours trend. Inspired by the maximalist movement and a desire for individuality, homeowners are using bold colour palettes, playful patterns, and diverse textures to create spaces that exude personality and joy. This trend is also influenced by popular shows like Emily in Paris, which showcase eclectic and colourful interiors that resonate with a younger generation of homeowners.

Distinctive Features:

  • A Symphony of Hues: Explore a rich tapestry of colours, with a focus on deep blue-greens, pinks, and other vibrant shades. These colours can be layered together or combined with neutral tones like white or cream to create a visually captivating space.
  • Patterns and Textures Galore: Embrace the use of patterned tiles, floral or nature-inspired wallpaper, and other textured elements to add depth and visual interest to your bathroom. Consider experimenting with unique shapes and patterns, such as Zellige tiles or playful mosaics.
  • Materials with Warmth: While colour takes centre stage, don't shy away from incorporating natural materials like wood and stone to add warmth and grounding elements. These materials can be used for vanities, shelves, or even as a striking accent wall.
  • Fixture Flair: Choose fixtures that complement the vibrant colours and add a touch of personality. Chrome or brass can bring a touch of luxury, while matte black adds a modern and edgy vibe.
  • Illuminating Design: Lighting plays a crucial role in showcasing the layered colours. Combine ambient, task, and accent lighting to create different moods and highlight the unique features of your design.

Embracing Individuality: This trend isn't just about following a set of rules; it's about expressing your creativity and creating a bathroom that's uniquely you. Start with a base colour and then layer in other shades through tiles, wallpaper, and accessories. Don't be afraid to mix and match patterns and textures, but remember to balance bold elements with more subtle ones to avoid overwhelming the space. And most importantly, have fun with it!

A colourful bathroom in red, with fresh tiles installed by Daffodil Tiling in Swansea, South Wales
Lovely colourful Pink tiled bathroom

8. Creative Tiling

Your Bathroom, Your Rules: Break free from the monotony of ordinary bathrooms and embrace a world of boundless creativity with the exhilarating trend of creative tiling. In 2024, it's all about turning your bathroom into a canvas for self-expression, where tiles become a medium for artistry and innovation. This trend has been amplified by the #TileTok phenomenon on TikTok, where over 1.5 billion views showcase the endless possibilities of this versatile material.

Key Features and Inspirations:

  • A Playful Mixology of Patterns: Let your creativity flow by mixing and matching different tile patterns and styles. Imagine a harmonious blend of playful stripes dancing alongside a classic checkerboard floor, or a captivating border of intricate mosaics surrounding a Victorian-inspired design. The combinations are as limitless as your imagination.
  • Coastal Serenity at Home: Infuse your bathroom with the calming and refreshing essence of the seaside through a palette of tranquil blues, invigorating greens, crisp whites, and warm sandy tones. These hues can be woven into your design through tiles, paint, or even accessories, creating a space that evokes the serenity of the coast.
  • Dynamic Lines and Geometric Play: Inject energy and movement into your bathroom with vertical or horizontal stripes in varying widths and colours. For a touch of understated elegance, consider the refined charm of pinstripe tiles. Alternatively, embrace the playful geometry of checkerboard or hexagonal patterns.
  • Create a Captivating Centrepiece: Design a focal point that commands attention with a bold tile pattern on a feature wall behind your vanity or nestled within your shower niche. This unexpected burst of creativity will add a "wow" factor to your space.
  • Victorian Revival: Transport yourself to a bygone era of elegance with Victorian-inspired tiles, boasting intricate patterns and a rich, opulent palette. These tiles create a sense of history and timeless beauty.
  • Mosaic Masterpieces: Incorporate mosaics to infuse your bathroom with an artistic touch. Use them to craft borders, accents, or even stunning tile murals that tell a unique story.

The creative tiling trend is more than just an aesthetic choice; it's an invitation to embrace your individuality and transform your bathroom into a reflection of your unique style. Whether you draw inspiration from social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, where hashtags like #TileTok and #ShowYourStripes showcase a plethora of innovative designs, or from the opulent bathrooms featured in popular culture like The House of Gucci and The Serpent Queen, the possibilities are endless.

Remember, your bathroom is your canvas, and tiles are your medium. Let your imagination run wild and create a space that is truly a work of art.

Pink tiled soft neutral bathroom
Marble tiled bathroom

9. Modern Luxury

Less is More: Forget about cluttered bathrooms! The Modern Luxury trend for 2024 is all about keeping things simple yet luxurious. This style is inspired by fancy hotels and minimalist designs, where less is definitely more. It's about creating a calm and relaxing space where you can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Key Features:

  • Luxe Materials: Think shiny gold or brass taps, rich wood cabinets, and cool bronze accents. These little touches make your bathroom feel extra special.
  • Keep It Simple: This style is all about clean lines, open space, and no clutter. Simple furniture and fixtures let the beautiful materials shine.
  • Tiles That Wow: Go for classic marble, herringbone patterns, or simple square tiles. You can get creative with different colours and textures to make it your own.
  • The Bathtub as Your Oasis: A freestanding bathtub is the perfect way to create a spa-like feel. Choose one made of marble, special stone, or even metal.
  • Open Space: Don't be afraid to leave some areas empty. This makes the bathroom feel bigger and more airy.
  • Mix It Up: Combine smooth surfaces like marble with textured wood or fabric to add some visual interest.
  • Light It Right: Use different kinds of lighting to create different moods. You can even highlight special areas of your bathroom.
  • Make a Statement: Choose one special thing to be the star of the show, like a fancy bathtub, a beautiful piece of art, or a unique light fixture.

Why It's Trending:

  • Spa-Like Retreat: People love the idea of creating a relaxing spa experience in their own homes.
  • Simple Elegance: The clean lines and luxurious materials of modern luxury bathrooms are always in style.
  • Popular Culture: Shows like Succession and The Kardashians have shown us how beautiful this style can be.

The Modern Luxury trend is perfect for anyone who wants a bathroom that feels special and relaxing. It's about creating a space that's both beautiful and functional, a place where you can truly unwind and escape from the world.

Luxury modern minimalist bathroom
Wooden bathroom tiled with earthen tones in Swansea, SOuth Wales

10. Mini Bathrooms

Transforming Tiny into Terrific: In 2024, small bathrooms, downstairs loos, and cloakrooms are defying expectations and becoming a playground for innovative design. With the rise of smaller homes and a growing eco-consciousness, these compact spaces are no longer just about practicality, but about maximising style and function in a limited footprint.

The Art of Small-Space Living:

  • Multifunctional Marvels: Discover the magic of fixtures that do double duty, such as combined toilet/bidet units, vanity units with hidden storage compartments, and showerheads with multiple spray settings. These innovative designs prove that less can indeed be more.
  • Foldable Ingenuity: Embrace the flexibility of foldable shower seats, towel racks, and even sinks. These space-saving solutions allow you to customize your bathroom to your needs, adding convenience without sacrificing space.
  • Storage Sorcery: Clever storage is essential in mini bathrooms. Think wall-mounted cabinets with mirrored doors to create an illusion of space, recessed shelves for a clean and minimalist aesthetic, and built-in organizers to keep your essentials neat and tidy.
  • Wall-Mounted Freedom: Opt for wall-mounted toilets and vanities to create a sense of airiness and spaciousness. They also make cleaning a breeze, as there are no awkward corners or hard-to-reach areas.
  • Corner Solutions: Transform awkward corners into functional spaces with stylish corner sinks, available in a variety of designs to suit your taste.
  • Tile Illusions: Play with bold colours, patterns, and textures to inject personality and visual interest into your mini bathroom. Consider using large-format tiles to minimize grout lines and create a seamless, expansive look.
  • Illuminating Brilliance: Ample lighting is key in small spaces. Combine natural light with strategically placed artificial lighting to create a bright and inviting atmosphere.

Additional Flourishes:

  • Round Mirrors: Soften the angles of a small bathroom with a round mirror, which also helps to reflect light and create a more spacious feel.
  • Floating Shelves: Add a touch of visual interest without taking up valuable floor space with open shelving, ideal for displaying decorative items or storing frequently used toiletries.
  • Vertical Thinking: Utilize vertical space with tall cabinets or shelving units to maximize storage capacity.
  • Hidden Doors: In tight spaces, consider space-saving sliding pocket doors instead of traditional hinged doors.

The Rise of the Mini Bathroom:

The growing popularity of mini bathrooms is a reflection of several factors:

  • Smaller Homes: As smaller homes and apartments become more common, mini bathrooms are becoming a necessity.
  • Design Innovation: Advances in bathroom fixtures and technology have made it possible to create stylish and functional mini bathrooms that don't compromise on comfort or convenience.
  • Sustainability: Mini bathrooms are inherently more eco-friendly due to their smaller footprint and reduced water usage.
  • Personalization: Homeowners are embracing the challenge of designing small spaces, using them as an opportunity to showcase their creativity and unique style.

The mini bathroom trend is more than just a practical solution for small spaces; it's a testament to the ingenuity of design and the endless possibilities of personalization. By embracing these trends, you can create a small bathroom that is both stylish and functional, a true reflection of your individual taste and personality.

A luxe marble modern bathroom
A clean, small modern bathroom, freshly tiled by Daffodil Tiling in Swansea, South Wales
A marble bathroom


Ready to Make Your Bathroom Bloom?

Feeling inspired by these stunning bathroom trends of 2024? Whether your heart beats for the serene vibes of a green sanctuary, the drama of a gothic escape, or the luxury of a modern spa, Daffodil Tiling in Swansea, Wales is here to help you make it happen. Our expert team loves turning bathroom dreams into reality, using the finest tiles to create spaces that are both beautiful and unique.

Why not start your bathroom transformation today? Check out our website for loads of ideas and information about our tiling services. Or, give us a call to chat about your ideas and get a free quote. Your dream bathroom is just a click or a call away!

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